Grace Y. Sun
University of Missouri, Columbia, USA
Grace Y Sun has completed her BS in Chemistry from Seattle Pacific University and PhD in Biochemistry from Oregon State University. After holding a Research Scientist position in Cleveland, she was recruited to the Biochemistry Department in University of Missouri. As a Neuroscientist, she is recognized for research on brain lipids and signaling pathways related to neuro-inflammation and aging. Her research experience included serving as Program Project Director of the MU Alzheimer’s disease research program and as a Project Leader in the MU Center for Phytonutrient and Phytochemistry. Besides training a large number of graduate students and post doctorates, she is also experienced in organizing national and international symposia and meetings. She has published over 300 articles in highly regarded journals. Among the many awards, the most notable one is the MU System President’s Award for Sustained Excellence in 2012, which was the highest award recognizing faculty achievement at the university.
Abstract : Unveiling the oxidative/inflammatory and the anti-oxidative pathways in microglial cells