Xiaoming Hu
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Xiaoming Hu has her expertise in neuroinflammatory responses after ischemic brain injury and neurodegeneration. Her core research interests are to explore the immune-related mechanisms and to identify novel immunotherapies for stroke. One of her research directions is to explore the effect of regulatory T cell on stroke and to elucidate the underlying mechanisms. She is among the first who demonstrated neuroprotective effects of this specialized T cell subpopulation in cerebral ischemia (Li et al., Ann Neurol 2013; 74:458; Li et al., Stroke 2013; 44: 3509; Li et al., Stroke 2014; 45: 857). Dr. Hu also investigates the mechanism for microglia/macrophage polarization and explores the exogenous signals that induce the phenotype shift. The identification of these critical signaling molecules brings hope to therapies that promote healthy microglia/macrophage responses even under pathological conditions. Dr. Hu has published more than 50 peer-reviewed manuscripts in this research area.
Abstract : Regulatory T cells ameliorate tissue plasminogen activator-induced brain hemorrhage after stroke